Friday, April 9, 2010

A Savage Nation

There are many things you may "know" about England; some of them are correct: scones and clotted cream are great, people speak with fantastic accents, it rains a lot, London is a beautiful city, the Queen is old; some of them are not correct: people are classier (than the US), most people speak with fantastic accents, bathrooms are sensibly warm, the tube is great.

What you (and I) did not know, but is demonstrably true, is that Brits (or perhaps just Englanders, or, barring that, just Londoners) will fight for a bargain.  Literally.  Last weekend American Apparel - the rather offensively-run American retailer - had a rummage sale in a slightly shabby part of London known as Brick Lane.  2000 people attended and, as you wouldn't expect, since it's just clothing, that there was a riot, which injured 10 police officers.  Of course.  Why wouldn't there be?  If you're viewing this on email, click here to see the main post, and the video:

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